Saturday, May 3, 2008


MySpace seems like a big timewaster to me. Ok, it has games. It has applications that you can play with your friends. Big whoop. I have better things to do than hang out on the web twiddling my toes. Maybe I don't get it. I mean, I know that the Marysville library has a MySpace account, and I looked to link to it, but I couldn't find it. I could find the various schools in Marysville, but not the library. I could only find friends that had specific email acounts (eg, with Google, hotmail, etc), not with any email accounts that I might know (eg, I'm not looking for a mate. I'm not exactly sure how this would help with a job search, either, as it seems too frivolous and amorphous to me. I'd rather be more specific with my networking, such as with the Washington Library Association or the local Special Library Association. I guess I just don't get why I would visit on any regular basis.

On the other hand, I do use a networking site for sharing books I've read: I use it both for my own benefit by keeping track of what I've read and organizing them for use in Reader's Advisory, and for sharing with others who have similar reading tastes so we can share our opinions on new reads, both good and bad. Now this networking site, since it is more specific to my needs, I use almost every day. I even recommend it to patrons to help them keep track of books that they want to read, or have read in the past since their library account doesn't keep track of what they've checked out in the past.

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